We Come to YOU
At Your Home or Office

Serving the Coeur d'Alene area in North Idaho
If you live outside this area, but want to be seen, please contact us!

Explore the outdoors

Helping motivated people live active lifestyles

Resolve Pain

Prevent Injury. Live Confidently.

Staying mobile

Custom 1-on-1 Care

With Mobile Fit Physical Therapy you work 1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy every visit from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office. We will help you understand the root cause of your pain and craft a custom plan to meet your goals.

Be fast and mobile

Better Active Living

We take pride in helping our clients get back to the sports, workouts, and active lifestyle they love. That's not all. The mission of our comprehensive approach is to help you prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.

We're family friendly

Long-Term Solutions

It's not enough to get you out of pain for the moment. Our goal is to arm you with the preventative tools, knowledge, and coaching necessary to take control of your health and live an active lifestyle confidently.

Services Provided

Services Provided

We help you be strong and move well

A Better Way.

Mobile Fit Physical Therapy was founded to provide better care. You will work 1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy every visit from beginning to end. You are the most important client and have our complete and undivided attention.

We will listen to you and work with you to find the root cause of your pain. We will help you understand why it happened in the first place. We will personalize a plan for you to resolve pain and coach you the whole way.

We will help you be strong and move well so you can proactively reduce your risk of injury. We will give you long-term solutions so you can take control of your health and live an active lifestyle confidently! Are you ready?

Dr. Jeff Ewert PT, DPT, Physical Therapist

Bio Picture